

With the financial support of ILGA Europe, Right Side Human Rights Defender NGO is implementing the project with the theme of “Building Trans Media Influence through Capacity Building and Content Creation”, within the framework of which a series of important stories about trans people living in Armenia and Central Asia will be published, which will contribute to increasing the visibility of trans people’s issues. For this purpose, in August of 2023, a series of meetings were organized in the community safe space of Right Side NGO, in which various representatives of the Trans and LGBIQ community were invited to participate in order to discuss their ideas on the topic and make suggestions. During the meeting, Right Side Human Rights Defender NGO staff members and LGBTIQ activists also developed their communication skills by participating in training aimed at increasing activists’ knowledge and skills in formulating messages, understanding audiences, and launching online campaigns on social media.

The meeting was chaired by Communications expert Anna Evoyan, with moderation support from Right Side Human Rights Defender NGO staff member Milena Abrahamyan. Attendees engaged in a lively discussion, each suggesting what topic they would like to raise public awareness about, and what interesting stories or experiences there are that are specific to the trans community and are usually overshadowed by the general public due to lack of information and prejudice. These initial ideas and suggestions will later serve as a guide for Right Side NGO staff when collecting stories and conducting interviews. By developing these proposals, it will be possible to create multi-content media materials on the life, solidarity, sexuality, self-expression, and unique life experiences of trans people, making the reality and experiences of the trans community of Armenia and the region more visible. The stories will be published in the form of photo stories, podcasts, and interviews.

Right Side Human Rights Defender NGO, implementing this project, aims to inspire and motivate trans people and change the public’s opinion about them by sharing stories representing real-life experiences.

September 04, 2023  Armenia, Yerevan

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